25th Anniversary - Rarity Collection 2 Booster Display (24 Packs) - EN

Naziv seta: 25th Anniversary - Rarity Collection II Booster Display (24 Packs) 1st Edition, Engleski
Proizvođač: Konami
Dostupnost: 17 na stanju
Vendor: Yu-GO! Cards
Stara cena: 22.800,00 RSD
19.200,00 RSD
Što više kupite to više štedite
Cena16.800,00 RSD

Kutija od 24 buster kesica: 25th Anniversary - Rarity Collection II Booster Display

Fenomenalni set koji ce u sebi sadržati Accesscode Talker, Magicians’ Souls, Silent Magician, Droll & Lock Bird...

Svaka kesica se sastoji od 9 karata:

  • 3 Super Rares
  • 2 Secret Rare (with a 1-in-4 chance of being upgraded to a Platinum Secret Rare or Quarter Century Secret Rare)
  • 4 Ultra Rares (each of which has an individual 1-in-6 chance of being upgraded to a new “Prismatic” style Collector’s Rare or new “Prismatic” style Ultimate Rare)
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1.000,00 RSD 850,00 RSD
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Vendor: Yu-GO! Cards