Legendary Decks II | 2024 Reprint Unlimited

Proizvođač: Konami
Dostupnost: 82 na stanju
Vendor: Yu-GO! Cards
5.000,00 RSD

Kutija se sastoji se od 3 deka od po 43 karata:

  • Yugi dek sa nezaustavljivom Exodiom (svih 5 delova)
  • Kaiba sa legendarnim Blue-Eyes kartama
  • Joey sa Red-Eyes zmajevima
  • Secret rare karte: Eternal Soul, Dark Burning Attack, Dark Burning Magic
  • 3 Ultra Rare Tokena

Yugi Deck
Card numberNameRarityCategoryQty
LDK2-ENS01"Slifer the Sky Dragon"Ultra RareEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENS02"Obelisk the Tormentor"Ultra RareEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENS03"The Winged Dragon of Ra"Ultra RareEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENY01"The Legendary Exodia Incarnate"Ultra RareEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENY02"Ties of the Brethren"Ultra RareNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENY03"Obliterate!!!"Ultra RareContinuous Trap Card1
LDK2-ENY04"Exodia the Forbidden One"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENY05"Right Arm of the Forbidden One"CommonNormal Monster1
LDK2-ENY06"Left Arm of the Forbidden One"CommonNormal Monster1
LDK2-ENY07"Right Leg of the Forbidden One"CommonNormal Monster1
LDK2-ENY08"Left Leg of the Forbidden One"CommonNormal Monster1
LDK2-ENY09"Exodia Necross"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENY10"Dark Magician"CommonNormal Monster1
LDK2-ENY11"Dark Magician Girl"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENY12"Buster Blader"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENY13"Silent Magician LV8"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENY14"Silent Magician LV4"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENY15"The Tricky"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENY16"Big Shield Gardna"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENY17"Magician's Valkyria"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENY18"Blast Magician"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENY19"Blockman"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENY20"Marshmallon"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENY21"Sangan"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENY22"Gold Sarcophagus"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENY23"Swords of Revealing Light"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENY24"Magical Dimension"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card1
LDK2-ENY25"Magicians Unite"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENY26"Tricky Spell 4"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card1
LDK2-ENY27"Thousand Knives"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENY28"Dark Magic Attack"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENY29"Contract with Exodia"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENY30"Messenger of Peace"CommonContinuous Spell Card1
LDK2-ENY31"Dark Factory of Mass Production"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENY32"Monster Reincarnation"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENY33"Secret Village of the Spellcasters"CommonField Spell Card1
LDK2-ENY34"Pot of Duality"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENY35"Mirror Force"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LDK2-ENY36"Magical Hats"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LDK2-ENY37"Magic Cylinder"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LDK2-ENY38"Magician's Circle"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LDK2-ENY39"Backup Soldier"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LDK2-ENY40"Gravity Bind"CommonContinuous Trap Card1
LDK2-ENT01"Token"Ultra RareToken1
Kaiba Deck
Card numberNameRarityCategoryQty
LDK2-ENK01"Blue-Eyes White Dragon"CommonNormal Monster3
LDK2-ENK02"Dragon Spirit of White"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENK03"Kaibaman"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENK04"The White Stone of Legend"CommonEffect Tuner monster1
LDK2-ENK05"The White Stone of Ancients"CommonEffect Tuner monster1
LDK2-ENK06"Maiden with Eyes of Blue"Ultra RareEffect Tuner monster1
LDK2-ENK07"Protector with Eyes of Blue"CommonEffect Tuner monster1
LDK2-ENK08"Master with Eyes of Blue"CommonEffect Tuner monster1
LDK2-ENK09"Battle Ox"CommonNormal Monster1
LDK2-ENK10"La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp"CommonNormal Monster1
LDK2-ENK11"Vorse Raider"CommonNormal Monster1
LDK2-ENK12"Alexandrite Dragon"CommonNormal Monster1
LDK2-ENK13"Blade Knight"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENK14"Ancient Lamp"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENK15"Tiger Dragon"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENK16"Kidmodo Dragon"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENK17"King of the Swamp"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENK18"Rider of the Storm Winds"CommonEffect Tuner monster1
LDK2-ENK19"Burst Stream of Destruction"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENK20"Beacon of White"CommonEquip Spell Card1
LDK2-ENK21"Mausoleum of White"CommonField Spell Card1
LDK2-ENK22"Polymerization"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENK23"Enemy Controller"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card1
LDK2-ENK24"Shrink"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card1
LDK2-ENK25"Silent Doom"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENK26"The Melody of Awakening Dragon"Ultra RareNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENK27"Ancient Rules"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENK28"Trade-In"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENK29"Where Arf Thou?"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENK30"Pot of Dichotomy"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENK31"Fusion Substitute"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENK32"Unexpected Dai"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENK33"Negate Attack"CommonCounter Trap Card1
LDK2-ENK34"Final Attack Orders"CommonContinuous Trap Card1
LDK2-ENK35"Shadow Spell"CommonContinuous Trap Card1
LDK2-ENK36"Cloning"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LDK2-ENK37"Fusion Reserve"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LDK2-ENK38"Jar of Avarice"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LDK2-ENK39"Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon"CommonEffect Synchro Monster1
LDK2-ENK40"Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon"Ultra RareFusion Monster1
LDK2-ENK41"First of the Dragons"CommonEffect Fusion Monster1
LDK2-ENT02"Token"Ultra RareToken1
Joey Deck
Card numberNameRarityCategoryQty
LDK2-ENJ01"Red-Eyes Black Dragon" (as "Red-Eyes B. Dragon")CommonNormal Monster1
LDK2-ENJ02"Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon"CommonGemini monster1
LDK2-ENJ03"Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning"CommonGemini monster1
LDK2-ENJ04"Red-Eyes Retro Dragon"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENJ05"The Black Stone of Legend"Ultra RareEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENJ06"Black Metal Dragon"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENJ07"Axe Raider"CommonNormal Monster1
LDK2-ENJ08"Alligator's Sword"CommonNormal Monster1
LDK2-ENJ09"Baby Dragon"CommonNormal Monster1
LDK2-ENJ10"Jinzo"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENJ11"Goblin Attack Force"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENJ12"Gearfried the Iron Knight"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENJ13"Rocket Warrior"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENJ14"Blue Flame Swordsman"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENJ15"Time Wizard"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENJ16"Phoenix Gearfried"CommonGemini monster1
LDK2-ENJ17"Gemini Summoner"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENJ18"Blazewing Butterfly"CommonGemini monster1
LDK2-ENJ19"Dark Valkyria"CommonGemini monster1
LDK2-ENJ20"Command Knight"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENJ21"Valkyrian Knight"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENJ22"Keeper of the Shrine"CommonEffect Monster1
LDK2-ENJ23"Inferno Fire Blast"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENJ24"Red-Eyes Fusion"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENJ25"Cards of the Red Stone"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENJ26"Polymerization"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENJ27"Salamandra"CommonEquip Spell Card1
LDK2-ENJ28"Scapegoat"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card1
LDK2-ENJ29"Foolish Burial"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENJ30"Roulette Spider"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card1
LDK2-ENJ31"Supervise"CommonEquip Spell Card1
LDK2-ENJ32"Mystical Space Typhoon"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card1
LDK2-ENJ33"Symbols of Duty"CommonEquip Spell Card1
LDK2-ENJ34"Return of the Red-Eyes"Ultra RareContinuous Trap Card1
LDK2-ENJ35"Red-Eyes Spirit"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LDK2-ENJ36"Kunai with Chain"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LDK2-ENJ37"Call of the Haunted"CommonContinuous Trap Card1
LDK2-ENJ38"Torrential Tribute"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LDK2-ENJ39"Burst Breath"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LDK2-ENJ40"Curse of Anubis"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LDK2-ENJ41"Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon"Ultra RareEffect Xyz Monster1
LDK2-ENJ42"Archfiend Black Skull Dragon"CommonEffect Fusion Monster1
LDK2-ENJ43"Alligator's Sword Dragon"CommonEffect Fusion Monster1
LDK2-ENT03"Token (Joey and Red-Eyes Black Dragon)"Ultra RareToken1
Promotional cards
Card numberNameRarityCategoryQty
LDK2-ENS04"Dark Burning Attack"Secret RareNormal Spell Card1
LDK2-ENS05"Dark Burning Magic"Secret RareQuick-Play Spell Card1
LDK2-ENS06"Eternal Soul"Secret RareContinuous Trap Card1
Tagovi proizvoda
Kupci koji su takođe kupili ovaj proizvod su kupili

Ultra Pro Deck Protectors - Small Size (60) - Solid Black - Gloss

600,00 RSD
Dostupnost: 2 na stanju
Vendor: Yu-GO! Cards

Bulk od 105 karata - vidi opis

Bulk od 105 karata
Od 960,00 RSD
Dostupnost: 32 na stanju
Vendor: Yu-GO! Cards