Legendary Dragon Decks | Reprint Unlimited

Proizvođač: Konami
Dostupnost: 40 na stanju
Vendor: Yu-GO! Cards
4.000,00 RSD

Kutija se sastoji se od 3 deka od po 40 karata:

  • Dek od 40 karata Yugi, Kaiba i Joiy
  • Dek od 40 karata Cyber Dragon
  • Dek od 41 karte Odd-Eyes
  • Secret rare karte: Eternal Soul, Dark Burning Attack, Dark Burning Magic
  • 3 Ultra Rare Tokena

Legendary Dragons of Atlantis Deck
Card numberNameRarityCategoryQty
LEDD-ENA00"Dark Magician the Dragon Knight"Ultra RareEffect Fusion Monster1
LEDD-ENA01"Dark Magician"CommonNormal Monster3
LEDD-ENA02"Dark Magician Girl"CommonEffect Monster1
LEDD-ENA03"Apprentice Illusion Magician"Ultra RareEffect Monster1
LEDD-ENA04"Magician's Robe"CommonEffect Monster2
LEDD-ENA05"Magician's Rod"CommonEffect Monster2
LEDD-ENA06"Skilled Dark Magician"CommonEffect Monster3
LEDD-ENA07"Legendary Knight Timaeus"CommonEffect Monster1
LEDD-ENA08"Legendary Knight Critias"CommonEffect Monster1
LEDD-ENA09"Legendary Knight Hermos"CommonEffect Monster1
LEDD-ENA10"Breaker the Magical Warrior"CommonEffect Monster1
LEDD-ENA11"Magical Exemplar"CommonEffect Monster1
LEDD-ENA12"Big Shield Gardna"CommonEffect Monster1
LEDD-ENA13"Absolute Crusader"CommonEffect Monster2
LEDD-ENA14"Dark Magic Curtain"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LEDD-ENA15"Dark Magical Circle"Ultra RareContinuous Spell Card1
LEDD-ENA16"Illusion Magic"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card1
LEDD-ENA17"Dark Magic Expanded"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card1
LEDD-ENA18"Dark Magic Inheritance"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card1
LEDD-ENA19"Thousand Knives"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LEDD-ENA20"Dark Magic Attack"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LEDD-ENA21"The Eye of Timaeus"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LEDD-ENA22"The Fang of Critias"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LEDD-ENA23"The Claw of Hermos"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LEDD-ENA24"Legend of Heart"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LEDD-ENA25"Swords of Revealing Light"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LEDD-ENA26"Pot of Duality"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LEDD-ENA27"Reinforcement of the Army"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LEDD-ENA28"Eternal Soul"Ultra RareContinuous Trap Card1
LEDD-ENA29"Magician Navigation"Ultra RareNormal Trap Card1
LEDD-ENA30"Dark Renewal"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LEDD-ENA31"Crush Card Virus"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LEDD-ENA32"Mirror Force"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LEDD-ENA33"Tyrant Wing"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LEDD-ENA34"Dark Paladin"CommonEffect Fusion Monster1
LEDD-ENA35"Amulet Dragon"CommonEffect Fusion Monster1
LEDD-ENA36"Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight"CommonEffect Fusion Monster1
LEDD-ENA37"Doom Virus Dragon"CommonEffect Fusion Monster1
LEDD-ENA38"Tyrant Burst Dragon"CommonEffect Fusion Monster1
LEDD-ENA39"Mirror Force Dragon"CommonEffect Fusion Monster1
LEDD-ENA40"Time Magic Hammer"CommonEffect Fusion Monster1
LEDD-ENA41"Rocket Hermos Cannon"CommonEffect Fusion Monster1
LEDD-ENA42"Goddess Bow"CommonEffect Fusion Monster1
LEDD-ENA43"Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword"CommonEffect Fusion Monster1
Cyber Dragon Deck
Card numberNameRarityCategoryQty
LEDD-ENB00"Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon"Ultra RareEffect Fusion Monster1
LEDD-ENB01"Cyber Dragon"CommonEffect Monster3
LEDD-ENB02"Cyber Dragon Zwei"CommonEffect Monster2
LEDD-ENB03"Cyber Dragon Drei"CommonEffect Monster2
LEDD-ENB04"Cyber Dragon Core"CommonEffect Monster3
LEDD-ENB05"Proto-Cyber Dragon"CommonEffect Monster1
LEDD-ENB06"Cyber Valley"CommonEffect Monster2
LEDD-ENB07"Cyber Phoenix"CommonEffect Monster2
LEDD-ENB08"Cyber Dinosaur"CommonEffect Monster1
LEDD-ENB09"Cyber Eltanin"CommonEffect Monster2
LEDD-ENB10"Armored Cybern"CommonUnion monster1
LEDD-ENB11"Machina Fortress"CommonEffect Monster1
LEDD-ENB12"Cyber Repair Plant"Common
Ultra Rare
Normal Spell Card3
LEDD-ENB13"Cybernetic Fusion Support"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card1
LEDD-ENB14"Evolution Burst"CommonNormal Spell Card3
LEDD-ENB15"Power Bond"CommonNormal Spell Card2
LEDD-ENB16"Overload Fusion"CommonNormal Spell Card2
LEDD-ENB17"Future Fusion"CommonContinuous Spell Card1
LEDD-ENB18"Limiter Removal"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card1
LEDD-ENB19"Machina Armored Unit"CommonContinuous Spell Card1
LEDD-ENB20"Cyber Network"Common
Ultra Rare
Continuous Trap Card2
LEDD-ENB21"Cyber Shadow Gardna"CommonContinuous Trap Card1
LEDD-ENB22"Storming Mirror Force"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LEDD-ENB23"Quaking Mirror Force"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LEDD-ENB24"Drowning Mirror Force"CommonNormal Trap Card1
LEDD-ENB25"Cyber End Dragon"CommonEffect Fusion Monster1
LEDD-ENB26"Cyber Twin Dragon"CommonEffect Fusion Monster2
LEDD-ENB27"Chimeratech Overdragon"CommonEffect Fusion Monster1
LEDD-ENB28"Chimeratech Fortress Dragon"CommonEffect Fusion Monster1
LEDD-ENB29"Chimeratech Rampage Dragon"Common
Ultra Rare
Effect Fusion Monster2
LEDD-ENB30"Cyber Dragon Nova"CommonEffect Xyz Monster2
LEDD-ENB31"Cyber Dragon Infinity"Ultra RareEffect Xyz Monster1
Dimensional Dragons Deck
Card numberNameRarityCategoryQty
LEDD-ENC00"Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon"Ultra RareNormal Pendulum Monster1
LEDD-ENC01"Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon"Common
Ultra Rare
Effect Pendulum Monster2
LEDD-ENC02"Supreme King Dragon Odd-Eyes"CommonEffect Pendulum Monster1
LEDD-ENC03"Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon"CommonEffect Pendulum Monster2
LEDD-ENC04"Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon"CommonEffect Pendulum Monster2
LEDD-ENC05"Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon"CommonEffect Pendulum Monster2
LEDD-ENC06"Performapal Odd-Eyes Light Phoenix"CommonEffect Pendulum Monster1
LEDD-ENC07"Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn"CommonEffect Pendulum Monster2
LEDD-ENC08"Performapal Skullcrobat Joker"CommonEffect Pendulum Monster2
LEDD-ENC09"Performapal Rain Goat"CommonEffect Monster1
LEDD-ENC10"Performapal U Go Golem"CommonEffect Pendulum Monster2
LEDD-ENC11"Nobledragon Magician"CommonEffect Tuner Pendulum Monster2
LEDD-ENC12"Odd-Eyes Gravity Dragon"CommonEffect Ritual Monster1
LEDD-ENC13"Sky Iris"CommonField Spell Card2
LEDD-ENC14"Odd-Eyes Fusion"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LEDD-ENC15"Odd-Eyes Advent"CommonRitual Spell Card1
LEDD-ENC16"Spiral Flame Strike"CommonNormal Spell Card2
LEDD-ENC17"Duelist Alliance"CommonNormal Spell Card2
LEDD-ENC18"Pendulum Impenetrable"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card2
LEDD-ENC19"Pendulum Storm"CommonNormal Spell Card2
LEDD-ENC20"Pot of Riches"CommonNormal Spell Card1
LEDD-ENC21"Terraforming"CommonNormal Spell Card2
LEDD-ENC22"Echo Oscillation"CommonContinuous Trap Card1
LEDD-ENC23"Pendulum Reborn"CommonNormal Trap Card2
LEDD-ENC24"Pendulum Switch"CommonContinuous Trap Card2
LEDD-ENC25"Starving Venom Fusion Dragon"Ultra RareEffect Fusion Monster1
LEDD-ENC26"Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom"CommonEffect Fusion Monster1
LEDD-ENC27"Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon"CommonEffect Fusion Monster1
LEDD-ENC28"Performapal Gatlinghoul"CommonEffect Fusion Monster1
LEDD-ENC29"Clear Wing Synchro Dragon"Ultra RareEffect Synchro Monster1
LEDD-ENC30"Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing"CommonEffect Synchro Monster1
LEDD-ENC31"Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon"CommonEffect Synchro Monster1
LEDD-ENC32"Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon"Ultra RareEffect Xyz Monster1
LEDD-ENC33"Supreme King Dragon Dark Rebellion"CommonEffect Xyz Monster1
LEDD-ENC34"Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon"CommonEffect Xyz Monster1
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One Piece Card Game - Wings of the Captain OP-06 Booster Pack - EN

800,00 RSD
Dostupnost: 29 na stanju
Vendor: Yu-GO! Cards

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